Physics Articles
- "Measurements of the Temperature Dependence of the Density of Liquid He-4 from 0.3 to 0.7 K and Near the Lambda-Point" (with J.R. Pellam), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 1, edited by K.D. Timmerhause, W.J. O'Sullivan, and E.F. Hammel, (Plenum Press, New York, 1974), p. 343-.
- "A 4-MHz Tunnel Diode Oscillator with 0.001 ppm Sensitivity for Measurements at Low Temperatures," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 1, edited by K.D. Timmerhause, W.J. O'Sullivan, and E.F. Hammel, (Plenum Press, New York, 1974), p. 631-.
- "A Sensitive Displacement Transducer Using an Extremely Reentrant Cavity Oscillator," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 45, 1171-2 (1974).
- "Tunnel Diode Oscillator for 0.001 ppm Measurements at Low Temperatures," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 46, 599-607 (1975).
- "Study of the Temperature Dependent Anomalous Surface Impedance of Copper" (with D.P. Love and W.H. Parker), Low Temperature Physics - LT 14, Vol. 3, edited by Matti Krusius and Matti Vuorio (North-Holland Press, Amsterdam, 1975), p. 106-.
- "Design of High Performance Tunnel Diode Oscillator Transducers" (with D.P. Love), Low Temperature Physics - LT 14, Vol. 4, edited by Matti Krusius and Matti Vuorio (North-Holland Press, Amsterdam, 1975), p. 309-.
- "Ultra-stable LC Oscillators and Their Applications in Metrology," Proceedings of the 31th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Atlantic City, NJ, June 1-3, 1977, (U.S. Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ, 1977), pp. 375-84. Available from: Electronic Industries Association, 2001 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20006.
- "A Small Gas Thermometer for Use at Low Temperatures" (with W.J. Bowers, Jr., D.G. Wildes, and P.B. Pipes), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Journal de Physique, 39, C6-1173-4 (1978).
- "A Small Gas Thermometer for Use at Low Temperatures" (with W.J. Bowers, Jr. D.G. Wildes, and P.B. Pipes), ISA Trans. 19, No. 1, 15-19 (1980).
- "Modeling of Tunnel Diode Oscillators" (with D.P. Love), Rev. Sci. Instrum. 52, 111-22 (1981).
- "Pulsing of Tunnel Diode LC Oscillators," Physica 108B, 1361-2 (1981).
- "Coin Silver as a Construction Material in Low-Temperature Experiments," Physica 108B, 605-6 (1981).
- "Thermometric Fixed Points Below 0 oC at the National Bureau of Standards" (with G.T. Furukawa, R.S. Kaeser, H. Marshak, E.R. Pfeiffer, J.F. Schooley, and R.J. Soulen), Temperature Measurement in Industry and Science, (Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society, Praha, Czechoslovakia, 1981), p. 32-8.
- "Contribution of Nuclear Magnetism to the Isochoric Pressure of bcc Solid He-3" (with W.J. Bowers, Jr., P.B. Pipes, and D.F. McQueeney), Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 149-53 (1982).
- "Measurements of the Dependence of the Isochoric Pressure of Solid He-3 on Temperature, Magnetic Field and Density" (with P.B. Pipes, D.F. McQueeney and W.J. Bowers, Jr.), Proceedings of the Symposium Honoring the 65th Birthday of Professor William M. Fairbank, Jr. , April 1982, in Near Zero: New Frontiers of Physics, edited by J.D. Fairbank, B.S. Deaver, Jr., C.W.F. Everitt, and P.F. Michelson (W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, 1987), pp. 105-12.
- "Automation of Measurements in a Low Temperature Laboratory" (with R.S. Kaeser), Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Vol. 5, edited by J.F. Schooley (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1982), pp. 1299-1305.
- "Electronic Relaxation Rates of Copper, Aluminum, and Potassium Determined from the Temperature Dependence of the Anomalous Surface Impedance" (with D.P. Love and W.H. Parker), Phys. Rev. B 26 , 5577-89 (1982).
- "Experimental Constraints on the Parameters Describing Unordered bcc He-3, "1983 Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Sanibel Island, FL, AIP Conf. Proc. 103, 16-31 (1983).
- "The Helium Melting Curve and the Linkage of Fundamental Constants, Pressure, Density and Mass," Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants II, edited by B.N. Taylor and W.D. Phillips, NBS Special Publication 617, 457-9 (1984).
- "The Use of Tunnel Diode Oscillators as High Precision Transducers from 0.02 K to Room Temperature," Proceedings of the 10th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, (Butterworth, England, 1984), pp. 349-352.
- "A Progress Report on the Development of a Small High Precision Pressure/Temperature Sensor for Use at Low Temperatures" (with W.J. Bowers, Jr.), Proceedings of the 10th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, (Butterworth, 1984), pp. 353-356.
- "Status of the Quantum Hall Effect Experiments at NBS" (with M.E. Cage, R.F. Dzuiba, B.F. Field, T.E. Keiss, and G. Marullo Reedtz), Document Submitted to the Comité Consultatif d'Électricité 17th Session, 1986.
- "Monitoring the U.S. Legal Unit of Resistance via the Quantum Hall Effect" (with M.E. Cage, R.F. Dziuba, B.F. Field, and T.E. Keiss), IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. IM-36, 222-5 (1987).
- "Determination of the Time-Dependence of OhmNBS Using the Quantized Hall Resistance," (with M.E. Cage, R.F. Dziuba, and Dingyi Yu), IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. IM-38, 263-9 (1989).
- "Resource Letter QHE-1: The Integral and Fractional Quantum Hall Effects" (with M.E. Cage and S.M. Girvin), Am. J. Phys. 58, 109-23 (1990).
- "Quantised Dissipative States at Breakdown of the Quantum Hall Effect," (with M.E. Cage, G. Marullo Reedtz, and D.Y. Yu), Semicond. Sci. Technol. 5, 351-4 (1990).
- "Measurements of the Quantized Hall Resistance at the ETL" (with J. Kinoshita, H. Nishinaka, K. Segawa, and T. Endo), IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. IM-40 249-52 (1991).
- "Anomalous Behavior of the i=4 Quantized Hall Plateau in a Silicon MOSFET", (with K. Yoshihiro, M. Cage, and D.Y. Yu), Phys. Rev. B 45 14204-14 (1992).
- "Anomalously Offset Quantized Hall Plateaus in High-Mobility Si-MOSFETs," (with K. Yoshihiro, M.E. Cage, D.Y. Yu, K. Segawa, J. Kinoshita, and T. Endo), Surface Science 263 116-9 (1992).
- "Re-examination of Quantum Hall Plateaus," (with J. Yoshihiro, E. Palm, J. Wakabayashi, and S. Kawaji, IEEE Trans. Instrum. & Meas. 42 562-7 (1993).
- "Summary Report on the Workshop on Advanced Digital Video in the National Information Infrastructure," (with C. Fenimore, B. Field, H. Frank, E. Georg, M. Papillo, G. Reitmeier, and W. Stackhouse), SMPTE Journal, 104 148-52 (1995).
- "Test patterns and quality metrics for digital video compression," (with C. Fenimore and B. Field), SPIE Proceedings on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II, SPIE Volume 3016, 269-76 (1997).
Other Articles
- "Okidata 92 Support Plus Chinese Screens," Comal Today 5 (1984) 18.
- "1541 Alignment," Comal Today 7 (1985) 55.
- "1541 Disk Alignment Update," (with Franco Pavese), Comal Today 9 (1985) 34.
- "COMAL 2.0 Sprite Quirks," Comal Today 10 (1985), 24-5.
- "Quick Test," Comal Today 12 (1986), 39.
- "Bandegurifuto-ke no Tsukuba Bouken-ki" (in Japanese, English title "The Van Degrift Family's Tsukuba Adventure"), Kougyou Gijutsu 30 (1989), 56-7.
- "Tanoshikatta!" (in Japanese, English title "It was Great!"), ETL Circular 8 No. 4 1989 14-16.
- "IBM PC Comal 3.0 Notes," Comal Today 26 (1991), 30-1
- "Be wary of generalizations, be humble, and be Fearless of the language," in Working in Japan: A Guide for foreign-Born Engineers, American society of Mechanical Engineers, Japan Chapter, Osaka 1991, section 4.3.
- "Small scale high Tc superconducting devices," in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7th Edition (1991).
Books Edited
- ""The Integral and Fractional Quantum Hall Effects," (with M.E. Cage and S.M. Girvin), American Association of Physics Teachers (1991).
- "Report on the Workshop on Advanced Digital Video in the National Information Infrastructure," (with C. Fenimore, B. Field, H. Frank, E. Georg, M. Papillo, G. Reitmeier, and W. Stackhouse), NISTIR 5457, Gaithersburg, MD, July 1994.
Books Authored
- "Dielectric Constant, Density, and Expansion Coefficient of Liquid He-4 at Vapor Pressure Below 4.4 K," Ph. D. Thesis (University of California, Irvine, 1974). Available from University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Order No. 74-19243.
- "Technical Japanese Supplement - Solid-State Physics and Engineering," The University of Wisconsin Press (1995) 100 pages. ISBN 0-199-14734-7.
Japanese Language Software & Study Guides
- "Kanji-Flash/BTJ - A Flashcard Companion for Basic Technical Japanese", (IBM PC, EGA & VGA Graphics), Kanji-Flash Softworks, 1991.
- "Kanji-Flash Chart", (OS/2) in preparation.
- "Kanji-Flash Electronic Dictionary", (OS/2) in preparation.
- "Nature Kanji Chart", Sold in Japanese bookstores in US.
Linux Software
- "whatfor" - An 'ls'-like utility program that appends descriptions from its 3000-entry database to listed file and directory names. (Linux/Unix) Also available on Linux sunsite server. May 4, 1999.
- "Magnetic Resonance Detection Method and Apparatus" (with D.B. Utton), U.S. Patent #4,087,738, May 2, 1978.
Translation from Japanese to English
- "Dokusouteki kenkyuu wo furikaette ryoushi-ka hooru dendouritsu-no kansoku-ni ataru made," Kawaji Shinji, Oyoubutsuri 58 (1989), 500-13. Translated with minor revisions from the author into "Reflections on Japanese research leading up to a measurement of the quantized Hall conductivity," by Shinji Kawaji. Placed in the archives of the Niels Bohr Library of the American Institute of Physics, New York, in October, 1990.
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