Married, two daughters - a Quaker Hospital Chaplain and Pilot in the US Air Force. Now solar energy finance consultant and Pilot for Alaska Airlines
Date of Birth
June 16, 1945
Excellent, regular hiking in the Sierra Nevada, now feeling older.
Professional Experience
- Adjunct Professor, Physics, Clovis Community College/Fresno City College Campus, January, 2009 - December, 2021
- Adjunct Professor, Mathematics, North Centers - Madera Campus, January, 2005 - December, 2007
- Grower, Kirby Peak Ranch Hydroponic Greenhouse, April 2004 - December, 2005
- Instructor, Los Angeles City College, Community Services, July 2000 - January 2008
- Owner/President, Kanji-Flash Softworks, Raymond, CA, November 1991 - present
- Physicist, Electricity Division, NBS (now NIST), January 1987 - September 1996 (Retired)
- Visiting Scientist, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan, August 1988 - September 1989
- Solid State Physicist, Temperature and Pressure Division, NBS, November 1975 - December 1986
- Assistant Research Physicist, UCI, August 1974 - November 1975
- Postgraduate Research Physicist, UCI, July 1974 - August 1974
- Acting Instructor, UCI, April 1974 - June 1974
- Lecturer, UCI, January 1974 - March 1974
- Postgraduate Research Physicist, UCI, December 1973 - March 1974
- Junior Specialist, UCI, 1972 - 1973
- Research Assistant, UCI, 1967 - 1972
- Teaching Assistant, UCI, 1967
Unpaid Presentation and Volunteer Activities
Summer Employment During School Years
Research Interests
- Quantum Hall effect
- Primary Thermal and Electrical Measurement Standards
- Precise low-temperature instrumentation
- Properties of liquid and solid helium
- Electrodynamics of metals
- Low-temperature rf oscillators
- Microwave oscillator pressure and temperature sensors
- Experiments at very low temperatures and high magnetic fields
- Digital Image Processing
- Video Compression
Other Interests
- Japanese Language Instruction Software
- Translation of Japanese Technical Literature
- Machine Translation of Languages
- Science Education
- Alternate Energy Technologies (Wind, Solar, Hydrogen)
- C++ and Java programming
- Robotics
- Hiking
Computer Programming Experience
- Raspberry Pi System, and PIC16F877A & ATMega328P Microprocessor programming for home projects (present)
- Use and teach Linux (contributed 'whatfor' utility) (2000)
- Teaching Introductory Java, C, and C++ courses (present)
- Japanese language educational software with C++ & GUI on Intel under OS/2 (1992-1996)
- Digital video research with C on SGI (1995-96)
- Digital video research with C on Princeton Engine video parallel processor (1992-96)
- Japanese language educational software with Comal on Intel under DOS (1989-92)
- Lab automation with C on Intel under DOS (1991-92)
- Lab automation with HP Basic on HP9845 (1987-91)
- Educational applications with Comal on C-64 (1985-89)
- Lab design using HP Engineering Graphics Language on HP9845 (1986-87)
- Lab automation with Fortran on Interdata mini-computer (1976-86)
- Educational applications with Pascal on Z-80 (1983-85)
- CPM operating system and word processor modification with Assembly on Z-80 (1980-83)
- Scientific Data Analysis with Fortran on a variety of mainframes (1964-82)
- Crude English-to-Japanese translation with machine language on IBM 1620 (1962-3)
Foreign Languages
- Japanese (reading fluency for technical material, translation experience, conversation intermediate)
- French (introductory level)
- NSF Grant for Long-Term Research in Japan, August 1988
- AIST Foreign Researcher Invitation Program Grant, May 1988
- Sustained Superior Performance Award, NBS, April 1984
- Outstanding Performance Ratings, NBS, April 1981, May 1983
- Thomas B. Brown Award, Harvey Mudd College, 1966
- School records in shotput and discus throw, Harvey Mudd College, 1965 to 1994
Participation on Outside Committees
- NASA Review Committee to Assess the State of Technological Development of the Stanford Gyrorelativity Experiment, July 21-25, 1980.
- OSTP Meeting with Japan Productivity Center R&D Management Study Team, October 26, 1989.
- NSF Review Committee to evaluate proposals for visits to Japan by US graduate students, March 22-23, 1990.
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Last updated: November 26, 2023

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